Ezra 2:1-2
"Now these are the people of he province who came up from captivity of exiles,whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon(they returned to Jerusalem and Judah,each to his own town, in the company with Zerubbabel, Jeshua,Nehemiah,Seraiah,Reelaiah,Mordecai,Bilshan,Mispar,Bigvi,Rehum and Baanah)."
After seventy years(70years) as promised by he LORD through prophet Jeremiah(Jer.25:11-12), the Jewish exiles to Babylon were set to return to their own land as free men and women.
Lessons: 1. God is the God of Restoration. When we walk with Him in humility and obedience, whatever we may have lost to the kingdom of darkness, can be restored to us. He is the Almighty God.
2. He keeps His word. Exactly after seventy years, He commanded the emperor of the Medo-Persian empire,Cyrus, to release the exiles to return to Jerusalem and Judah.
3. He preserves His own to fulfill His purpose. All may seem lost and hopeless but as long as you are part of His kingdom,you will be preserved by His power.
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